vue.js | 2.6.10 |
gantt-elastic | 1.0.11 |
gantt-elastic-header | 1.0.11 |
ライブラリを取得するには、npm, CDNのどれか一つを使用します。
npm install --save gantt-elastic
npm install --save gantt-elastic-header
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/dayjs@1.8.35/dayjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gantt-elastic@1.0.11/dist/GanttElastic.umd.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gantt-elastic-header@0.1.11/dist/Header.umd.js"></script>
step.1 メソッドを設定
function getDate(hours) { const currentDate = new Date(); const currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear(); const currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth(); const currentDay = currentDate.getDate(); const timeStamp = new Date(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, 0, 0, 0).getTime(); return new Date(timeStamp + hours * 60 * 60 * 1000).getTime(); } let tasks = [ { id: 1, label: 'Make some noise', user: '<a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=John+Doe" target="_blank" style="color:#0077c0;">John Doe</a>', start: getDate(-24 * 5), duration: 15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, progress: 85, type: 'project' //collapsed: true, }, { id: 2, label: 'With great power comes great responsibility', user: '<a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Peter+Parker" target="_blank" style="color:#0077c0;">Peter Parker</a>', parentId: 1, start: getDate(-24 * 4), duration: 4 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, progress: 50, type: 'milestone', collapsed: true, style: { base: { fill: '#1EBC61', stroke: '#0EAC51' } /*'tree-row-bar': { fill: '#1EBC61', stroke: '#0EAC51' }, 'tree-row-bar-polygon': { stroke: '#0EAC51' }*/ } }, { id: 3, label: 'Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.', user: '<a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=John+Wayne" target="_blank" style="color:#0077c0;">John Wayne</a>', parentId: 2, start: getDate(-24 * 3), duration: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, progress: 100, type: 'task' }, { id: 4, label: 'Put that toy AWAY!', user: '<a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=Clark+Kent" target="_blank" style="color:#0077c0;">Clark Kent</a>', start: getDate(-24 * 2), duration: 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, progress: 50, type: 'task', dependentOn: [3] } ]; let options = { maxRows: 100, maxHeight: 300, title: { label: 'Your project title as html (link or whatever...)', html: false }, row: { height: 24 }, calendar: { hour: { display: false } }, chart: { progress: { bar: false }, expander: { display: true } }, taskList: { expander: { straight: false }, columns: [ { id: 1, label: 'ID', value: 'id', width: 40 }, { id: 2, label: 'Description', value: 'label', width: 200, expander: true, html: true, events: { click({ data, column }) { alert('description clicked!\n' + data.label); } } }, { id: 3, label: 'Assigned to', value: 'user', width: 130, html: true }, { id: 3, label: 'Start', value: task => dayjs(task.start).format('YYYY-MM-DD'), width: 78 }, { id: 4, label: 'Type', value: 'type', width: 68 }, { id: 5, label: '%', value: 'progress', width: 35, style: { 'task-list-header-label': { 'text-align': 'center', width: '100%' }, 'task-list-item-value-container': { 'text-align': 'center', width: '100%' } } } ] } // locale:{ // name: 'ja', // name String // weekdays: 'Poniedziałek_Wtorek_Środa_Czwartek_Piątek_Sobota_Niedziela'.split('_'), // weekdays Array // weekdaysShort: 'Pon_Wto_Śro_Czw_Pią_Sob_Nie'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short weekdays Array, use first three letters if not provided // weekdaysMin: 'Pn_Wt_Śr_Cz_Pt_So_Ni'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, min weekdays Array, use first two letters if not provided // months: 'Styczeń_Luty_Marzec_Kwiecień_Maj_Czerwiec_Lipiec_Sierpień_Wrzesień_Październik_Listopad_Grudzień'.split('_'), // months Array // monthsShort: 'Sty_Lut_Mar_Kwi_Maj_Cze_Lip_Sie_Wrz_Paź_Lis_Gru'.split('_'), // OPTIONAL, short months Array, use first three letters if not provided // ordinal: n => `${n}`, // ordinal Function (number) => return number + output // relativeTime: { // relative time format strings, keep %s %d as the same // future: 'za %s', // e.g. in 2 hours, %s been replaced with 2hours // past: '%s temu', // s: 'kilka sekund', // m: 'minutę', // mm: '%d minut', // h: 'godzinę', // hh: '%d godzin', // e.g. 2 hours, %d been replaced with 2 // d: 'dzień', // dd: '%d dni', // M: 'miesiąc', // MM: '%d miesięcy', // y: 'rok', // yy: '%d lat' // } // } }; const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { 'gantt-header': Header, 'gantt-elastic': GanttElastic, 'gantt-footer': { template: `<span>this is a footer</span>` } }, data: { tasks: tasks.map(task => Object.assign({}, task)), options, dynamicStyle: { 'task-list-header-label': { 'font-weight': 'bold' } }, destroy: false } }); let ganttState, ganttInstance; app.$on('gantt-elastic-ready', ganttElasticInstance => { ganttInstance = ganttElasticInstance; ganttInstance.$on('tasks-changed', tasks => { app.tasks = tasks; }); ganttInstance.$on('options-changed', options => { app.options = options; }); ganttInstance.$on('dynamic-style-changed', style => { app.dynamicStyle = style; }); ganttInstance.$on('chart-task-mouseenter', ({ data, event }) => { console.log('task mouse enter', { data, event }); }); ganttInstance.$on('updated', () => { //console.log('gantt view was updated'); }); ganttInstance.$on('destroyed', () => { //console.log('gantt was destroyed'); }); ganttInstance.$on('times-timeZoom-updated', () => { console.log('time zoom changed'); }); ganttInstance.$on('taskList-task-click', ({ event, data, column }) => { console.log('task list clicked! (task)', { data, column }); }); });
step.2 テンプレートを準備
<div id="app" v-if="!destroy"> <gantt-elastic :tasks="tasks" :options="options" :dynamic-style="dynamicStyle"> <gantt-header slot="header"></gantt-header> <gantt-footer slot="footer"></gantt-footer> </gantt-elastic> </div>